Traduce Aqui:

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving

Yes, a slightly late Thanksgiving post... but in my defense, we are celebrating the holiday tomorrow.  We always celebrate the weekend following T-day since Thursday obviously isn't a holiday here.

 Right now I'm set up in the kitchen with a pile of pillows on my lap topped by a nuring baby reading off the recipies for pies, brining turkey, stuffing, etc.  So much to be thankful for this year!  I suppose the number one thing on my list is the little being placidly nursing as I type this; number two would be the fact that I can still celebrate Thanksgiving even with a newborn because my mom is cooking up a storm and I am only helping intermitently between baby feedings.

Emily will be a month old this Tuesday and I can hardly believe it!  She is changing by the day and getting so much stronger and fatter.  I am astounded by how she holds her head and seems already to be trying to get her knees up under her to crawl if I put her on her tummy. And it seems almost magical to me that I am her only food source...and she is visibly gaining weight and happy as a clam. :)

I am thankful that my parents can be here for so long and not only because they're an enormous help,

...sorry, my baby finally fell asleep long enough for me to get some cooking done with my mom.  I had to leave that mid-sentence!  I promise to finish some time soon, but in the meantime I want to post this so you all have something to read. ;)

To wrap up, I will say I am thankful that I can leave my mom reading in the kitchen keeping an eye on the apple pies in the oven while I can go straight to bed and hopefully sleep a bit before hungry Emily wakes me up!

Happy, happy Thanksgiving, everyone.


  1. I can't believe you're a MOM! And I can't wait to meet and hold little baby Em, she made the top of my thankful list and I haven't even had the pleasure of meeting her yet :)

    Love you all!
