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Sunday, August 23, 2020

Summer's End

 Probably most of you know that Spain's experiencing a severe resurgence of COVID-19.  A little over two weeks ago the city decided to close the pool because of the rise of cases in a nearby town.  During that last week of the pool we found out that there were two positive cases in town.  I won't bore you with all the ins and outs, but the bottom line is that my sister-in-law has come up positive.  Emily usually spends weekend mornings with her tita while I'm cleaning at the bar.  Even though Emily hasn't had direct contact with her tita since August 9th, she has to get tested tomorrow.  She has shown no symptoms, but of course we all know that doesn't mean anything.  My mother-in-law is in the same boat as Emily: to be tested tomorrow.  I think we should know test results by the end of the week.  I do wish they could be faster!

Also in line with the latest COVID news is that I was called to substitue teach at the academy because there was a student who was positive.  Even though all the rest of her group and the teacher were negative, they are required by protocol to be isolated for two weeks.  So they were down a teacher.  This week will be week two.  It's been nice to be doing something (ie. working a bit) and it's about 10,000 times easier than my work in Granada.  I plan to have a more serious talk with my boss this week to find out just what I can expect in September so I can begin to look for work elsewhere if need be.

Earning a little extra money in these two weeks is nice because with the virus flare-up, the government continues to cut hours and enforce restrictions on bars.  We now must be closed at 1:00am and no drinks served passed 12:30.  For my American audience this may seem perfectly normal...but if you know anything about Spanish culture (especially in the hot Andalusian summers) you know that no one goes out before about 9:30-10:00pm and that's for dinner...  With closing time at 1:00, that only gives about 2 hours of conceiveable good business.  Needless to say, things are a lot slower this weekend than in the past few weeks.

September is nearly upon us. School is (theorhetically) around the corner.  I am nervous to see what the next few weeks hold for us.