Traduce Aqui:

Sunday, August 25, 2013

My Tree-climbing dog

Last Sunday we made another trip to el chorro.  This time it was just the three of us.  Unfortunately, August is everyone's vacation month and so even on a Sunday evening (we didn't get there until around 7pm), the lake was teaming with people.  They've hung up new signs saying that dogs can't swim in the lake or be off a leash... as you can see from the video below, we decided we didn't see those signs.  I think it's mostly an August precaution because there are just too many people to have your dog running around.  And of course there's always the posibilty that your dog isn't as friendly or harmless as my Bela. ;)

Anyway, she's a water dog and didn't stray from the semi-hidden beach  we found the whole time we were there.  The willows blocked us from view somewhat so we weren't bothering anyone (nor were we too visibly breaking the rules).  My pup had a blast digging up roots, fetching sticks and even trying to fetch low-lying branches.  She looked like a monkey as she wrestled with this bush.  I nearly died laughing.  Thankfully, she continued once we jumped out of the water and grabbed the camera. :)


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