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Friday, August 9, 2013

Summer Studying

...Or perhaps summer procrastinating!

That's right, I'm still studying. For the first time in my academic life, I failed one of my final exams.  Thankfully, in Spain you get a second go-around before you have to retake the class.  So on September 7th I will be taking my Didactics of Physical Educacion final--again.

I have vowed to make August my study month.  So far, so good.  I will exclude weekends...but today being Friday, it's hard to find the motivation.  The professor gave us a list of forty possible short answer/essay questions from which six will be on the exam and of those we must answer four.  I was too busy to actually study the list the first time around.  I answered about ten or tweleve questions--a few from each unit--and then crossed my fingers.  This time around I am answering them all.

There are nine units and I've got through three this first week...but I'm hoping to finish unit four today (at least get half-way through).  If you're wondering why I'm telling you this, it's my way of committing.  If I publicly announce that I'll be studying for at least an hour every week-day through the end of August, I think I'm more likely to stick to it.

With that, I guess I should get a move on because it's already 10:30am and I have done no studying so far.  ...Knowing myself, leaving it for the afternoon is the best way NOT to study at all!

See ya!


  1. I think you are going to ACE the exam. Love you!


  2. Yuck, no fun :-( I hope either you have now aced the exam or feel extremely ready to ace it. Do you have to do phy ed because you're an elementary major?
