Traduce Aqui:

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Merry Christmas!!!

I took out our few holiday decorations a couple of days ago.  One of my favorites is a singing, dancing snowman that my mom sent me the first year I was living here in La Roda.  Of course at the time I thought it was terribly hokey and silly...but it's grown on me over the years.  It's always been a big hit with the kids at school, too. ;)  Anyway, this year Bela has decided to get into the Christmas spirit and dance along with the snowman.

Video evidence:

Merry Christmas. :)


  1. Oh my goodness, my little niece is totes adorbs :P

    Love you both, Happy Holidays!

  2. Hahahahahaha! Soooooo, Portland, my dear. ;)
