Traduce Aqui:

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Training...or Playing?

I am in the process of teaching Bela that when she's in the house, she needs to stay on her bed. Unless, of course, I call her. This will be especially important once she's bigger and more mischievous! She's pretty cute about it all. Yesterday, I had her bed (a pile of towels...¡estamos en crisis!) set up in the salita and as you can see in the video the corner of the towel forms a sort of peninsula. Well she realized that as long as she stayed on the towel I didn't say anything so she cautiously walked out to the end of the little towel peninsula and when her paw slipped onto the floor she quickly sprung backwards onto her bed all of her own accord. Pretty cute.

I decided to get out the camera to record some of these adorable antics...but as you can see in the video I'm pretty sure she decided we were playing as opposed to training.

Oh well, little by little.

1 comment:

  1. Sitting at the Reno airport with Mom and Moe, watching little Bela frolick. Looks like you are getting a good start on her training. You were always a good animal trainer. Especially deer.

    Love you so much!

