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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Back to School!


As of yesterday, I've begun my second second year as a university student. ;) This semester's classes are: visual arts education, didactics of natural sciences, didactics of social sciences, didactics of Spanish language and ICT applied to English language learning. Once again I've got five classes--uf! Spring semester it'll only be four, thankfully...just in time for my being worn out and sick of studying. ;)

I got up early this morning to dig in on my studies. I'm hoping that with mornings free this year it'll be easier to balance my life, work and studying. Only time will tell. I have the sneaking suspicion that even though I have more time, I'm going to be quite busy; this morning, my first foray into this year's schedule, I was already thinking, "how did I manage last year?!"

I finished my reading for my arts class--absolutely scintillating. There's no sarcasm there. I was thoroughly intrigued (no time to go into detail); and more than anything, it felt great to be thinking again.

I am a hopeless case: an eternal student!

Okay, off to eat dinner and spend some time with my poor, neglected wife. ;) (I think she's going to have a rougher time adjusting to my schedule than I am!)


  1. Welcome back to the academic world Opie! Now I have three hard studying students. I know you will do great. I am didactically excited for you!


  2. Get 'er done Opie! You know you've gotta kick some serious ass....because if you don't my academics might start mysteriously slipping..... :P

    Love you,
    your twinnie
