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Saturday, February 17, 2018

The Next Generation

So as is so often the case, I am very behind with updating you all.  My appologies.  However, this will not be a long-winded catch-up blog; I just want to share with you the pictures from today's carrera solidaria contra el cancer. This was Emily's first footrace!

She loves to run and play "racing cars" as she calls it...not sure where the name came from.  The game consists in standing about 16 feet away from me--hunkered in a crouching position with my arms spread wide-- and on the count of three, she races to me and gives me a big hug.  If she can knock me off balance it's a bonus. :)

When I saw the posters around town for the Race for the Cure run with an age group for her, I asked if she wanted to run in a real race--"Yes!" was her immediate reply.  I was a little worried that she'd chicken out at the last minute because there were so many people and other kids, but she was great.  Of course, I did run along behind her and she grabbed my hand about half way through the 100 meter dash...but still, I was pretty proud of my little athlete.

She was glowing afterwards (see picture) and we topped off the afternoon with a little face paint and then an ice cream sandwich at the bar with her Mamá.  She was a happy camper. 

I hope to get back to running myself sooner rather than later.  I've been a long time away from it and I do miss it dearly.  It would be wonderful to race with Emily when she's older... It was pretty wonderful to race with her today!
That post-race glow
And just for good measure, I'll leave you with one last pic. also from today.  We have begun taking Norte out for walks now because we just can't wait the last five days for his shots to really kick in... He is finally beginning to be a "normal" puppy, which means he's chewing everything in sight.  Today we took him for three long walks and he is snoring happily by the fire as I type. ;) 

He's my new workout regimen!  ...I don't think I'll be running with him too soon, though.

1 comment:

  1. From GA:
    Hmmmm ... I'm thinking that "Racing Cars" is in Em's blood ... sounds suspiciously like "Knock-Down"!! What a fun day :) You'll have to keep an eye out for more races! Love Ya'll <3
