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Saturday, September 24, 2016

Ready for November...

I have had my Presidential Primary Ballot sitting in my office unopened since somewhere in March...or earlier.  Needless to say I missed the Primaries.  I received an email from the Embassy in Madrid notifying overseas voters of the necessary steps for abesntee voting...once again it has sat unopened in my inbox for at least a week. But never fear, I am dedicated to getting my act together for the General Election. ;) 

You may gather from my nonchalance that the election seems very far away and very unrelated to me or my current life.  Don't get me wrong, I realize that voting in the United States of America can have great impact worldwide as it is such an influential country in world politics; but all the same, the hype on facebook about the candidates (because this is virtually all the information I'm getting about the campaign) makes it seem more like some kind of twisted reality show as opposed to a legitimate Presidential campaign.  It's hard to take seriously and much more convenient to ignore all-together.

But I have finally been galvanized to action by the thought of what may come on November 9th.  Every vote counts.  I have just filled out the necessary paperwork to request my ballot and will mail it Monday.  The deadline for an absentee request is Oct. I'm even ahead of the game it turns out!

(that's the hashtag, the Embassy asked us to use on our social media sites!)


  1. It is pretty much a horror show here that terrifies me. I try not to think about it too much, since I already know my vote. I have some local elections I'm still trying to figure out or else I'd get an early ballot (you can start already in some areas). I just hope people actually turn out to vote in large numbers.

  2. The two personalities are certainly a twisted reality show! The two ideologies are a little more clear and consistent. Love you big time!


  3. no comment ... I am too disappointed in the options to say anything printable.
