Traduce Aqui:

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

A Smile in the Night

At around 5:30 or 6am (I usually try not to look at the clock), I woke up last night for what has become my routine night-time bathroom trip.  This is by far, to date, the worst part of pregnancy.  I hate getting up to pee!  Thankfully the bathroom is just right across the hall from our bedroom and so I usually manage to remain half asleep as I stumble to and from the toilet.

Last night, after crawling back into bed, I took a deep breath, spread out on my back and began concentrating on the dream I'd tried not to leave behind.  It was then that I felt a jolt in my lower abdomen like a giant heart beat.  I've been waiting exactly five months and four days for this--the "quickening". I smiled in the dark, then rolled over and whispered her announcement to Angelines. :)

Hello Emily.  Nice to feel you.  


  1. yay! It's the best feeling :-) Enjoy more.

  2. I am shedding tears of joy for you, my child ... thus begins a very personal, "secret" relationship between you with your daughter. I am so happy for you both :) I love you - Mom

  3. Awesome sweet girl! What an amazing night. All the more incredible remembering watching you move around inside you mom's tummy, and feeling your little jumps and jolts, I love you a thousand times more than whatever you say!!

