Traduce Aqui:

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Fingernails...and a mini update

Yes, they're a bother to constantly trim...and they can get caught on things if there's a rough edge or if they break; but today I love my fingernails.  My fingernails do a superb job of protecting my fingers!  I was in a hurry to make a salad for lunch and if it hadn't been for my fingernail, I would have added the tip of my left thumb into the mix!  Yuck/Ouch!!

It seems lately I have bad luck with my fingers... remember I slammed my index finger in the car door not to long ago?  Anyway, I'm sure this isn't the blog you were hoping to read after such infrequent blogging, but with my thumb wrapped in gauze, it's what's on my mind!

...Other news...

We had a surprise visit from a friend of ours from Barcelona this past weekend.  That accounts for some of my cyber-absence. ;)  It was great to see her, though I realized that I tire much more quickly of being "out" than I used to... not sure why.  By the time Sunday rolled around, I just wanted to be at home!!

We've been having abnormally wet weather recently, too, which may be part of why staying home sounded particularly appealing.  After the snow we had two weeks ago, it's been raining nearly every other day.  When the sun does come out, it's accompanied by a big temperature drop and brisk winds...  Not fun.  My poor Bela is getting tired of the same route around town for her walks; although today, we did venture out into the muddy fields.  She was a happy, hunting, puppy.

My new semester started the last week of Feb. and so far I have done next to no work.  Oops.  It's always so hard to rediscover my motivation when a new semester begins, and moreso when I'm studying long distance.  It's so easy to think, "I'll do it over the weekend"...and then not!  I'm not wasting time, mind you, I'm plenty busy with my classes and my dog and my house.  It's just hard to remember to make time to study a.) when I'm already behind, and b.) when the semester's just begun.

I do have an easier semester this time around though.  I'm only taking three classes: Didactics of Physical Education, Didactics of Music, and Education for Art and Beauty. :)  I am excited for all three, really, but as you can tell, even that doesn't seem to be helping my motivation!

Other than work and school, A and I have been going crazy over the last few months with plans to buy a house.  Some of you know we were planning to build...and some of you know that those plans have fallen through.  I will save you the torturous details of it all because it's tiring just remembering them all!  The most important thing is that at the moment we are waiting to hear back from the bank if they will accept our offer to take-over the current loan on a house that we've absolutely fallen in love with.  I suspect we'll know something before Easter or maybe the first week in April at the latest.  I will keep you posted.  This has been quite an ordeal, but it seems that in the end in might acutally work out.  If we end up being able to buy this house any and all of you who can visit me will have room--it is big!  Now there's no excuse not  to come to Spain, with the kids with the in-laws or with the dogs!  I promise there is room for all. :)

That's all for this dis-jointed update.  More soon, I promise (I also promise to be a little more coherent, as well).  At the very least I will keep you posted on the house happenings. ;)


  1. If you end up getting that house, you'll never be rid of me! :)

  2. I know this house thing has been very stressful, but as you say, it will all work out for the best!

    Love you!

