Traduce Aqui:

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Mary Mary Quite Contrary...

How does your garden grow?

Well, we haven't planted bluebells...and I'm not sure what cockleshells are, but we did fix up the garden some. We planted some violas and pansies along with a sort of daisy-ish flower, a beautiful succulent (not sure what it's real name is) and a peach tree! :) Aside from all the planting, we did some weeding and much needed thinning of the palms that are planted in huge flower pots. It's amazing the difference it's made. The garden looks completely different. But, in the words of Levar Burton (remember Reading Rainbow?), "You don't have to take my word for it!":

Maybe you can't tell, but we've thinned out the beds you can see in this pic. and propped up the lemon tree on the right, it was leaning almost horizontally.

My little purple violas and this is the "daisy" plant.

Isn't this a cool plant?!

And these are the thinned palms. They look SOOOO much better.

Now all that's left to do is repaint the beds and fix up the walls, plant the cosmo seeds I bought, and build another raised bed for my veggies! At least we've got a start on things, right? Tomorrow I plan to start my tomatoes and other veggies in planters to give them a good head start while we scrounge around town for stray bricks to build up a veggie-bed. ;)

I can't wait for spring to really be here!


  1. What a beautiful garden. Isn't it wonderful to work on your very own place? I can still remember working around our first house. It just gives you a warm fuzzy feeling. I am so proud of you Viola! The best is yet to come!


  2. What a lovely "walled garden!" I agree with Dad, though I haven't had a house yet (haha) I imagine it must be very rewarding :)

    Love and Hugs,
