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Saturday, October 23, 2010

...The General Yucks

Funny, I feel like this title has so many possibilities, but unfortunately I've simply got a case of the "general yucks." That's a term coined by my best friend's brother (if I'm not mistaken) when he was a kid to describe the achy, crappy feeling you get when a cold's coming on. I'm hoping that I'm not headed toward the season's first cold, but I certainly am achy and feeling bad.

Aside from not being thrilled about the prospect of incubating viruses, tonight I was going to go on a full-moon hike that we've been trying to coordinate for many moons now (well, at least several)! We were supposed to meet at seven...and most likely between one thing and another and stopping to eat a picnic dinner on the way, I wouldn't be home before eleven or maybe midnight. I'm usually the kind of person who would go anyway and not let my aches and pains get in the way of a chance to get outside, but I think in this case that wouldn't be very smart. If I go out, I'll probably give this thing a chance to really take hold whereas if I stay home, I might be able to ward it off with sleep and warm orange juice with honey (Spanish home remedy). I think episodes of the West Wing watched from a comfy couch are anti-viral, too. ;)

Oh and just to rub it in my face, a woman who played sax in the band with me invited me to go hiking with her and some other people tomorrow in a nearby town! I can't go for reasons other than the stupid cold...but still, I'm bummed that all of this had to be the same weekend. She's assured me that next time they plan a hike she'll call; and my friend says that next month with the full moon they'll plan another hike, too... even if we have to wear our winter jackets.

...So here I sit at the table with the heater on beneath (that's right, we've pulled out the table covers and dragged the heater out of storage), sipping hot O.J. and hating this virus's impeccable timing!


  1. ick, not fun :-( hope you feel better soon!

  2. You are such a good writer! Oh my goodness, you inspire me. I hope you feel better :)
    Much love and wishes of health coming your way

  3. Sorry you had to miss the adventure! Perhaps by now you have kicked that bad old virus! I hope so. Sounds like you made a good choice to me....but then I am your Daddy! ;)

    Love, Daddy
