Traduce Aqui:

Saturday, May 15, 2010

A full day

Granted I did wake up late-ish (10:30), I've had an extremely productive day. For one, I finally planted my tomato starts that were bursting out of their little plastic tray--I think about 15 total. This sounds easy, but planting the little guys was a lot more work than you probably care to read about! (note: that fact doesn't mean I won't write about it!) Remember my poor twisted carrots and mini potatoes from last year?? This morning I dug nearly a foot down over an area of about 4'X4' to really loosen up the dirt. A rototiller is what I really needed.

Needless to say, my hands hurt as I'm typing this.

I added some soil and really stirred it up, so I hope this will be enough to make my tomatoes happy. If they all survive I'll be making gazpacho like mad this summer just to keep up with production! ;) I also planted some potatoes and garlic...even though I know it's not really the right time of year to plant. I had an entire head of garlic that was sprouting in my kitchen so I thought I might as well give it the chance to grow. The same is true of the potatoes.

And this afternoon I went for another bike ride. I discovered a place called "Hoyo Grande," which, as its name indicates, is a big hole. Apparently it used to be a subterranean cavern, but it caved in probably centuries ago. It's now full of all kinds of vegetation. I didn't go down into it, although you can. When I go with Angelines we'll venture in together... I wasn't feeling brave enough on my own, even though it didn't look too complicated.

I'm completely worn out after all my digging and the long bike ride. So if you'll excuse me, I'm off to bed.


  1. Goodnight sweet girl! I love you!


  2. every time I see your blog title in my reader, I start singing The Rainbow Connection in my head. Intentional?

    I put in tomato starts too! I've got 9 tomato starts and 8 bell pepper. I also put in lots of squash, pea, and cuke seeds. I'm super excited to see my little garden grow.
