Traduce Aqui:

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

On That Note...

Just along the lines of my last post, this poem popped into my head yesterday as I was lying half alseep after a great siesta with my little lamb curled up and nursing at my side:

Cleaning and scrubing 
can wait 'til tomorrow
for babies grow up, 
we've learned to our sorrow.

So quiet down cobwebs,
dust go to sleep.
I'm rocking my baby,
and babies don't keep!

My mom has this poem embroidered and framed at home.  I remember reading it as a kid, but of course I never really understood just what it meant.  Anyway, as I lay there in a sleepy stupor, I found myself repeating this poem in my head and just had to smile--I'm rocking my baby, and babies don't keep!


  1. Es VERDAD!! ... babies grow into beautiful young women that you are very proud of. They may not "keep", but they DO keep bringing you joy. Love you, Maternal One.
    Proud Mommie

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Sure miss you and your family! Can't wait 'till June. Can I rock you in my arms?

