Traduce Aqui:

Wednesday, November 27, 2013


All 36 credits of my student teaching have been waived!!! :)  Yippeeee!  Now I just have to fight with the registrar to try and worm my way out of paying all over again.  From my perspective, I've already paid for 18 of the credits with this term's tuition...but I'm afraid they won't see it that way.  In any case, it's only 10 euros per credit so much less than I was expecting.  If I have to pay the full 360 instead of just 180, I'll survive.

What a relief!

I promise a real update soon...possibly this afternoon because I've lost my voice and had to cancel classes! :(


  1. YAY! I am SO happy for you! Success :-)

    How much more do you have to do before you're done?

  2. I have very few credits left... This spring and then I have maybe one more class plus my final project/thesis. :)

  3. Yipee! That is such great news! Take a deep silent breath and savor the feeling of success! I am so glad this worked out for you!

    Love, Daddy
