Traduce Aqui:

Wednesday, November 27, 2013


Life has been stressful lately, but there's always time to enjoy the little things; like the amazing light through storm clouds this afternoon.  

I had to cancel my classes today because I cannot talk above a whisper.  The bad thing about being  my own boss is I haven't got any sick leave; but on the bright side of things, I got to spend a free afternoon with my sweetie.

We took the dog for a bike ride and caught this fantastic evening light.  Unfortunately, I forgot my real camera...but my phone does pretty well I think.  When we got home, we whipped up a delicious variation of banana bread that we'd seen this morning on our favorite TV cooking show.  Cooking together is something we don't do often enough--I love it!  Usually I'm alone in the kitchen and A is busy with other things, so it's a treat when we can test a new recipe together.  Dinner was a big salad with our banana treat for dessert.  Now I've spent the evening sitting by the fire making posters for the bar.  We've got all December's activities planned.  And just to round things off, I decided I'd treat myself to a quick blog. ;)

...So many little things add up to a great day regardless of this persistant cold of mine. 

1 comment:

  1. I hope life continues to improve. I'm still stoked you don't have to do the crummy student teaching :-)
