Traduce Aqui:

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Here's the presentation that Sarah and I put together for Thanksgiving. We got together this weekend to work on school stuff and bake sample foods for classes and co-workers. We made sweet potatoes and pumpkin cookies thanks to a recipe my mom sent from the Portola Reporter!

Today Sarah and I gave the presentation jointly in second grade (lots of paraphrasing and acting out...). They loved it! And I was pleased that the little worms held still for nearly all of it. When we asked what they were thankful for, my favorite answer was "milk!" :) ...Got milk? I gave the "full" presentation in sixth grade, complete with pumpkin cookies to sample--they ate it up! (ha ha ha)

After visiting the Norman Rockwell Museum in MA last Feb., I couldn't resist using his painting for the title slide. Remember that, mom? Still, the kids' favorite picture was of course the Simpsons' family Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!


  1. MMMMMM pumpkin cookies! :) That's a really good slide show, you need to somehow give me your mad skills in making those for when I've got to make mine haha.

    Love you Op
    Twinnie :D

  2. Great show Opie! Moe could adapt this to explain Thanksgiving to her classmates! It would be nice to add how the formal holiday got started. President Lincoln designated a day of thanks and prayer to help people in the country deal with the American Civil war. Check out this link.

    Love you!

