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Thursday, November 18, 2010

Back to School...

That's right, I've been meaning to get on and tell you all the good news: I'm a student again! Starting this week I am a student in the education program at the Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (UNIR). It's an online, distance program so I'm able to fit it in with my schedule at school in the morning and private classes in the afternoons. Well... "able to fit it in" might be jumping the gun a bit. Supposedly I'll be able to juggle all of this, but I've been out of juggling practice for so long now, and away from studies completely, that really I'm very apprehensive.

This week was sort of the orientation week. Next week begin actual (or should I say virtual?) classes. So we're supposed to be familiarizing ourselves with how the whole "virtual campus" works. Not as easy as it sounds, honestly. I can't really lay a finger on it, but it just seems as though it's all quite complicated with different forums and chats and video classes. I guess I'll get used to it, but quite frankly, this orientation week has been confusing more than anything else.

Today I got a call from my "profesor tutor," sort of a personal aid person, to see if I had any questions about everything. I couldn't come up with much because I understand so little! Isn't it ironic that to be able to ask clarifying questions you've got to understand the basics of a problem? Anyway, I just feel so lost in this electronic world that I can't even formulate coherent questions to ask! She assured me that she'd be happy to respond to my questions via email as they come up. They do seem to have a good student support system worked out, but I'm wary about so much contact online. It seems fake. I'm just not sure I'm going to like not having real face-to-face contact or communication.

We'll see...

Anyway, between watching orientation videos, organizing myself for school and prepping private classes, I've been nuts this week. (Hence my apprehension about REALLY starting back to school.) It's the same old story with my classes. I feel like I never learn from the past; like it just never gets easier! Every week I'm daunted by the task of filling an hour with useful, fun, engaging activities. I think most of the time my classes end up mediocre at best. Bah! :(

My current pessimism about classes has me thinking and rethinking my decision to study education. What else is new? A decision made by Viola just wouldn't be the same without second guessing, right? Maybe I'm just masochistic? I love to torture myself with what could have been IF...

But, as always, I am hopeful that things will get better, that I will once and for all get my sh*t together and my life will run like a well oiled machine...

...Where would we be without hope??? ;)


  1. Hey Op! How boring would it be if we knew everything in advance! I know you will kick but on this if it is right for you! I am very proud of your determination and tenacity to find and make a successful life! It's gonna be a doozie, just wait and see. I have known this since looking into your tiny little "owl eyes" when you were a few weeks old!



  2. I second all that Dad said, minus the owl eyes thing....kinda weird :P plus I couldn't have looked into them anyways! But really Opie, you'll kick butt! You always do :D There is a good reason your little sisters idolize you!
    Love ya,
