Are you ready for the grand tour? I forgot to take a picture of this first entry room and the hall way leading from the street door to the house door (foyer, if you will ;)), but you can get a pretty good idea from these picture. I LOVE the ceilings that are the old exposed beams. In some rooms they're painted and in other's it's just the bare wood--very rustic and very beautiful in my opinion.
Here's my favorite room. The one I think we'll sleep in. I love the floors and if you can see there's a little window seat. The bottom opens up to be able to store shoes and things. In the left corner of the pic. you can see the armoire that's been left. It's very big. Once again, happy that's being left because our current armoire is just on loan. :)
This is the room adjacent to the kitchen where the table will go. If it fits, we'll also put our couch here... Looking through the white doors you can see a sliver of the front door and the doorway on the right leads to the kitchen.
Here's the kitchen. It's all new. Along with the patio, one of my favorite parts of the house. Can you see the porcelain, double basin sink? Just what I've always wanted (seriously!). You can see the fridge has been left. It's enormous--lot's of room to freeze my turkey soup!
This is perhaps the most awkward part of the house: the bathroom is off the kitchen. Weird. Someday, we want to put a bathroom upstairs...but for now this is it. You can see it's also new. And now we have an electric boiler. I'm not sure I'll like that; I'm used to gas by now, but we'll see.
And here's the intro to the patio:
So, there it is. What do you think? Enough room?? The total space occupied (that is to say not counting the upstairs) is 200 square meters. Angelines has always promised me a dog once we had a patio... hehehe. I don't think she ever thought that would be so soon. ;) Probably not the very near future, but at some point I will have a puppy to keep me company in this big old place.
I'm currently making up boxes because although it's been raining for two days, it's supposed to clear up tomorrow. In fact, at the moment it's stopped. Cross your fingers...tomorrow's moving day. :)