Today and yesterday were days off school (Yippeee!). Unfortunately, my parents left Thursday mid-morning and so we couldn't take advantage of my time off to be all together. Emily, however, skipped school Wednesday to spend their last day in Spain doing something fun. She and mamá took Ga and Papa to the Parque de las Ciencias in Granada--they spent most of the day there and had a blast. :) It warmed my heart to get pictures of their adventures at school.
Anyway, the reason I'm posting is because Emily and I opted to stay in La Zubia despite not having school in order to go to ballet today. For various reasons, we've only been to class once a week for about the last four or five weeks and I think the lack of routine is taking its toll on Emily. She has started to hang off me and even has gone in crying the last few classes. I know she really does like it (in spite of what she says) because she always comes out of class happy, but it's hard to know what to do when she hangs off my leg claiming she doesn't like ballet and she doesn't want to go. :( I don't want to force her if she really, truly doesn't want to; but it is important, too to learn to uphold commitments and persevere when activities become difficult.

Anyway, I thought that if she made friends with some of the girls in class, that it might help her feel more comfortable and look forward to going more. In chatting with the mother of one little ballerina, we discovered that we're very close neighbors and swapped numbers to arrange a play-date. Thursday we sent them a message, but they were busy. However, I was not to be disuaded so easily, and immediately asked if they wanted to get together at our house for pancakes before ballet Friday (today). They agreed, and so the day's first play-date was scheduled!

Although we did have a full schedule, everything was quite laid-back and nice. I'm happy that Emily got some play time in both with a school friend and her ballet buddy. She was still a little reluctant to go into ballet class, but was really happy when we left and I think that our pancake, pre-dance snack has opened the door to further get togethers. I am sure that making a friend will make a difference in Em's attitude. Plus, today we got her dress for the dance recital in June! Emily was pretty excited.

Whew! It's been a long, but wonderful day. This was certainly just what the doctor ordered. As the end of the year approches and we scramble to get everything taken care of before the term ends, it is nice to take a day to do everything BUT think about (much less do) anything related to work. :)
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