Toward the end of my Christmas vacation we began talking seriously about getting another dog. At first we thought maybe we'd adopt an older dog to avoid the hassle of puppyhood...but the more I looked online and the more we thought about it, the more it felt as though getting a big dog, would actually feel like trying to replace Bela--it would be like putting a band-aid on a gaping wound.
We decided that a puppy would ultimately adjust better to our family because it would really be a part of the family rather than ours just being another home. Don't get me wrong. I am all for adopting animals and I know plenty of people who have adopted great pets. I love the idea of giving abandoned animals a second chance in life, but it can be risky to a certain extent. You don't know the animal's history or what might trigger agressive behaviour (towards humans or other animals), and with a small child, we decided that risk was too great. Besides, getting a puppy would mean that it would grow up with Emily. Bela was great with Emily, but she sort of treated her like a piece of furniture: she was totally indifferent to her presence. A dog that grows up with Emily will ultimately be a better friend and companion for her.
So at the beginning of January the search for a puppy began...

Thankfully, he's a very agreeable and fairly calm little fellow. Of course, as he gets older he's going to need to spend that puppy I think we'll be just very narrowly avoiding disaster with his vaccination schedule. At four months we'll finally be able to wear him out among the olive trees. :) For now, though he's happy to be inside and really spends most of his time sleeping on his bed. He has a few toys and so far limits himself to playing/chewing them. And after just two or three days of mopping up puppy pee in the house, he's learned to go outside in the patio. I am only a little worried that because he needs to be quarantiened for so long that he'll develop the unbreakable habbit of taking care of his "business" in the patio--yuck! :(
Emily was a little luke warm about Norte at first because puppies are so different from adult dogs and he has very sharp teeth and claws. If he nipped at her or her things she'd begin to cry saying, "I want a big dog! I don't want a puppy!"... but she's warming up to him now and learning to be patient and also assertive with him when he bites her ballet tutús. ;) This will be a good experience for her, and I know that in the end Norte is going to be a really great buddy. So there you have it. We are officially, once again, a family of four. :)
"Norte". On a map, norte is up. And this Norte will be a very "uplifting", healing family member - I just know it. And he's so DANG cute :) Love you all - XOGA
ReplyDeleteBienvenidos a Norte! And congratulations on the new addition to your family. He's a cutie pie!