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Monday, May 8, 2017

Emily full of grace

About a month or so ago, Emily became obsessed with ballet.  I'm not even sure how it happend...but suddenly her auntie had bought her a tutú and the crown my mom bought her in January is now being put to regular use.  We even bought her a pair of ballet slippers (two sizes too big were the smallest we could find).  At some point, Angelines discovered the wonders of modern technology--wifi (read YouTube) on our new TV (thanks mom and dad). :)  She began putting on videos of classical ballet dancers and Emily went nuts.  She would stand for a full twenty minutes immitating the jumps and moves of the dancers to Swan Lake and the Nutcracker.

It warmed my heart to watch her earnest concentration and sometimes quite acurate moves, especially having grown up taking my little sister Maggie to ballet classes.  In my house, Christmas without the Nutcracker ballet wasn't Christmas at all!  However, for a few weeks now she seemed to have lost interest, moving onto other more exciting conquests--namely going to the bathroom on the lawn (!).

SIDE NOTE: Potty training is in progress and Emily is most interested in her peepee and poopoo.  The other day she pooped in her bucket outside and proudly showed me (yuck...I made Angelines clean it out).  Then on a walk with the dog she declared that she, too, wanted to peepee in the campo "like Bela".  She's taken to running around the patio naked since it's already very hot here, and loves peeing down the drain on the lawn.  I'm affraid she likes going to the bathroom everywhere but in the potty!  ...I'm hoping this is all part of the process.

Anway, back to what I was saying.  Her interest in dancing had somewhat waned over the past weeks, but this evening she put on her crown, tutú and slippers before dinner and asked for the "bailarinas" on TV--I was astounded by her graceful moves!  She's improved incredibly since she first started and it doesn't even seem she practices much.  Anway, here's my little Sugar Plum Fairy for you to see for yourselves. :)

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