Warning: Completely biased opinions expressed in this post.
Since her grandmother is my number one reader, I thought it wouldn't be totally inappropriate to spend a short post bragging about the most astounding little creature I have ever known: my daughter. Emily amazes me daily. She is talking up a storm in both languages and it seems like at least once a day she pops out with a new word that makes me pause and think, "Where did she hear that!". I don't mean swear words, so far so good, on that front, just precise vocabulary that surprises me.
She continues to be an observer (like all kids, I suppose), but it is sometimes shocking to realize how much she sees in so little time. Yesterday we drove up to a place for a coffee and in the parking lot were several truck trailers (without the truck attached). We drove passed them and she says, "Mommy, this truck broken". My jaw dropped. On the way out after coffee, we passed a semi truck hooked up to it's trailer and she commented, "This truck not broken. Have lights." Wow.
Last week we went to Málaga for a doctor's appointment. The hospital is next to the metro station and I think I've posted about how much Emily loves the "train". We couldn't leave without riding the train so we took the metro into the center just for a coffee. ;)
On board, of course, Emily always makes friends--people who smile or wave or playfully stick their tongue out. I always encourage her to say hello and ask their name, etc. We met a woman named Vicky on the way in and when we got back on the metro after having our coffee about half an hour later, the first thing Emily did was look around at the empty car and ask, "Where's Vicky, Mommy?"
Also on the in-bound metro ride, another "friend" asked her where she lived and she paused for a moment and then answered, "Poona Phoonah" (that's "California" in Emily speak). I guess she's got California on the brain ever since my parents left. When she asks about them, I tell her they've gone home to California...
Unfortunately, I do not always record these little gems down as my mother is always heckling me to do--you'll forget it some day! And I know she's right, but sometimes it's hard to find the time to write it down. Now it seems imposible that I'd ever forget all of this intrepid adorableness...but when I think back to when she was a newborn, I just have fuzzy memories and that was just two years ago! Time flys, that's the truth, so maybe you'll be getting more Emily anecdote updates in the days to come. ;)
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