"Shadow" in the patio. |
There is a real problem in Spain with people abandoning dogs. Usually they are greyhounds (common rabbit hunting dogs) who for whatever reason are no longer useful to their owners; but there are always strays of many different breeds roaming the streets and fields. It is heartbreaking, especially when they're injured or emaciated. In general I just try not to look because it is completely unfeasible for us to take in another dog, nor can I afford to heal them. This morning, however, I did a good turn to one (un)lucky pup.
Emily and I had just started out with our bikes through the olive fields to give Bela her morning run, when I spotted a little dog off to the side of the road. My mistake must have been slowing down, because he immediately ran up to us yapping and licking at my feet and legs. He was pretty cute a
bodeguero as they call them here, some kind of little terrier similar to a Jack Russell, and obviously a puppy. I don't think he could have been more than four months old. But as I said, I am not in the market for a dog and so I moved it out of the way with my feet and headed off again with the bike.
This persistant little puppy not only followed me for my whole ride, but ran right next to the rear tire (I was slightly afraid I'd squish him!) yipping and whinning for what must have been close to 6km. Summer is here and although the temperatures are notably lower today, we're still getting into the high nineties. It was only 10am, but it was quite warm and I was worried this little dog would die on me. There was no way, after that long ride that I could leave him out in the heat with no water... I asked at all the little farms along the route if someone was missing a puppy, but nobody was; and so I had no choice but to bring him home to give him water and decide what to do next. Of course, I think even had I decided to leave him on his own I couldn't have done it unless I were willing to kick him or throw rocks at him. He had pretty much decided that I was his ticket to salvation--and as it turns out, he was right.
In the patio I gave him a bath and he drank some water. He and Emily warmed right up to each other, but I was worried about what Angelines would say when she woke up. Bela didn't seem to care much, but I think she was a little worried that we'd found yet another creature to knock her down a notch on the household totem pole!
Angelines wasn't too upset, after all, she does have a heart and I assured her that we
weren't keeping this dog, but that I just couldn't abandon it. I sent out a mass message on whatsapp to about half the contacts in my phone with a picture of the dog asking if anyone was interested in adopting. I thought at the very least someone with a country house or a shed where they keep their tractor might be interested in a dog to keep guard, although honestly I was hoping to give hime to someone as a pet.
He was a very sweet tempered dog, very gentle and loving, so I was thrilled when in just ten minutes a woman got back to me asking how much I wanted for him (!). She has two daughters for whom this was going to be a spur-of-the-moment surprise. I knew this would be a good home for my little "Shadow" as I had decided to call him. Of course, I told her we were giving him away and she came by before lunch to take him home.
When the girls timidly followed their mother into the house and realized they would be taking home a puppy there were outbursts of nervous laughter and huge smiles. :) I was tickled. The whole scene reminded me of my own childhood--those times when I wanted a pet so badly and then the momenst when I first got to hold my future dog/cat. I was especially reminded of the surpise my parents gave Emily and I one Christmas morning when we discovered our pony tied up on the lawn with a big red bow around his neck. Come to think of it, I should have put a bow on Shadow...sadly that little detail slipped my mind. Anyway, it was a beautiful thing to witness these girls' happiness and excitement and also to see how pleased this little puppy was to be held and petted.
I'm so happy he's gone to a good home, and happy that I was able to help make that happen. He certainly is a lucky little dog!
I have a little shadow
that goes in and out with me,
but what can be the use of him
is more than I can see.