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Thursday, September 4, 2014

Without Me...

I'm sure you'll all remember this is the time of year when we make our night-time pilgrimage to Corcoya to visit the Virgen de la Fuensanta.  It's a 12km (7.5 mi) walk and this year I stayed home.  I do walk every day with my puppy, and probably do between 2 and  4 miles daily...but Angelines was adament that this was too far for me in my "delicate" condition. ;)  Instead, I stayed home, watched a stupid movie and waited for her phone call that they were there to go run pick-up.

I'm glad Angelines went.  It's not often that she is able to go out and do much with anyone other than me.  I'm fine with that, of course, but a person needs time with friends.  Her work conflicts with virtually everyone's schedules to the point that at best we have a few beers with friends on a Saturday around mid-day.  I think she had a good time, so I didn't mind fighting off my sleepiness with a stupid romantic comedy (really stupid) and driving to pick her up.

Not a lot of other news to report.  August left with a flourish.  I had classes every day for the last two weeks--kids preparing to re-take their failed finals mostly.  It was nice to earn a bit of spending money, but we've decided that come October I'll be quitting definitively.  For a while I was thinking that I would try to teach a few of my less stressful conversation classes through the Fall...but monetarily it just wouldn't compensate for the stress; besides, once Emily Alejandra makes her entrance I know I won't want to be doing anything other than snuggling her.  What's the point in stressing over classes if I can put it off for a few months.  I will be starting up in January, but by then I hope to know my little one well enough that we'll be able to schedule, at least somewhat, according to her needs, too.  Working for myself is very nice in the flexibility aspect, but I will admit that a paid maternity leave would be great right about now!

Here's a picture of me and Miss Em at 32 weeks--8 months.


  1. I'm so excited :) I love you...all three of you! xxx

  2. You ALWAYS have been the "Wise One", Opie :) Kiss A for taking such good care of you, and give my Baby Em a little pat from La Abuela Americana <3 Tell her I'm on my way over ASAP!! XOXO

  3. 8 months already!!! So excited for you! :) Skype soon? I miss you terribly

  4. Oh my goodness, I haven't gotten to tell you congratulations yet! FELICIDADES!!! I'm so excited for you guys, you look wonderful. :) I can't wait to meet Emily Alejandra and to see you and Angelines again--staying with you in La Roda was definitely one of the highlights of our trip last year! Un abrazo muy grande para todas. Love, Kira
