I was going to give you all another post about our adventures in Portugal... but my eyes are weary from staring at the computer screen for the last three hours! Pub California's facebook page:
https://www.facebook.com/pubcalifornialaroda has been sadly neglected through all the craziness of exams/parents/vacation and so I've been doing my best to get us back "online".

I'm doing my best to come up with some way to attract more attention to our
terraza this summer. Turning the outside seating area into a nice, comfortable, beautiful place to be is no small task...especially when we're on a tight budget! You saw the pictures of our paint job. This morning we made a run to Seville to buy a roll of astro-turf (we'd bought another one previously) to lay out front for the tables and chairs--20 square meters of fake grass. :) And my sister-in-law gave us two beautiful, potted bushes for the entrance.
...Not bad, eh?
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