Traduce Aqui:

Thursday, May 9, 2013

This is Water...

I came across this viedo on a friend's facebook page and I think it's worth sharing here:  

Why is it that it is always so easy to fall into that self-centered trap of thinking the world is out to get us?  Why is it so hard to consider that other people might find themselves in similar situations to our own, or even worse situations?  By default, as the video points out, most of us tend to play the victim, rather than making conscious desicions to change our attitudes.

Books and movies are good when they have complexity; when you can't absolutely LOVE any one character or absolutely LOATH another.  The fall of a hero or the redemption of the antagonist is what makes for drama, a twist in the predictable narrative, and ultimately a more realistic story/character.  None of us is perfect...  even though, when we find ourselves in situations like the one described in this video, we might like to think we are.

When I read a good story or watch a good movie, I love analysing the characters' motives (is that the lit. major deep within?)--what drives them in their actions/interactions?  And it's deeply satisfying when I can sypathize with all the characters, at least on some level.  Why is it so hard to do the same in life?  Why am I so unwilling to be understanding with my real, flesh and blood fellow human beings, and yet get such pleasure from my fictional generosity, forgiveness and empathy?

The truth is, as the video above points out, that being fair and understanding is just plain hard.  It's all too easy to demonize.  If someone or something is Bad, we can ignore, marginalize, hate, kill... There is no thinking twice about it.  No question.  Contributing to making a better world means it's up to us to change the way we react in even the most banal of situations.  In the words of Gandhi: "Be the change you want to see in the world".


  1. This is an amazing video. Thanks for sharing it with us! I love you Opie <3

  2. Love it! Very nice, and concise!

    Love you!
