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Monday, April 1, 2013

In the Groove

Today I was finally able to attend one of my virtual music classes because my afternoon classes were cancelled.  The unit we're beginning is about techniques for teaching musical instruments to children.  Of course the one intstrument we all have readily available and by far the cheapest, is our own body!  Clapping, stomping, clicking, humming, singing, etc.  There are a number of professional groups that have made "body music" or "body percussion" quite popular lately.  This first video is a group from Brazil.  They make their music using their bodies only--no "foreign" instruments at all.  We watched this video in class and I wanted to share:

So as I was watching these Brazilians making music, I was reminded of my mother.  Why?  She has a hidden talent that none of us have propperly appreciated (until now).  She can play melodies on her head.  What?!  That's right, she hits her head and makes music.  We always laugh because it really sounds like she's got a hollow head--no judgment. ;)  Anyway, I also remembered that I had this video evidence of said talent.  I hope she doesn't mind that I'm sharing with you.  This was filmed in a Starbucks in Reno, NV...not the best acustics, but you can get an idea.

I think she missed her calling!  Maybe you should head to Brazil, mom. ;)

My talented mother:

...And that's where I get my musical abilities. ;)  Thanks for the good genes, mommy.

1 comment:

  1. Hahahaha this is beautiful! I forgot all about this, Mom really is good at that!

