Traduce Aqui:

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Second Story

These first two pictures are a little out of date, but to keep with proper chronology, I'm posting them anyway.   They are from a few weeks ago before the concrete was poured for the second story floor.  Now all that's finished (see last two pics) and they're putting up the walls!

The upstairs won't be more than a storage area for now, although eventually we want to make it into an apartment to rent.  There's also the possibility in the not too distant future of making the upstairs in to a cuasi-formal academy for my English classes.  It would be much cheaper to just pay for the plumbing, electricity and roof (for now we're just going to cover it with fiberglass to keep out the water--cheaper) as opposed to finishing an entire apt. with kitchen, etc.  It would be perfect really because I would have a real space that was MINE for my classes and I wouldn't have to pay rent!  ... We shall see.  Anyway, here are the most recent pictures of the construction:

I can't really tell you what this is...Angelines took the pic.  It's the upstairs floor before the concrete was poured.  What looks like concrete are cement blocks between the re-bar.  Extra reinforcement?

A forest of support.  The builder says we should leave it this way because they're stabilizers for the drunks and in winter you can hang your jackets on them...  Gotta love Andalusian humor. ;)

If you look closely at the top story to the left, you can see the beginnings of the wall. 

1 comment:

  1. How do they poor the floor? Do they pump it? Looks like it must be grout (no gravel) only to fill those narrow spaces.

