Last weekend was little Rodgrigo's baptisim and Angelines' cousin asked her to be his godmother--quite an honor. Dressing for the occasion, however, proved to be a little problematic since neither Angelines or I are frequent shoppers. In the end our good friend Nuria came to the rescue. She loaned me a beautiful pearl-grey dress with a long-sleeved, matching jacket that fit me perfectly... unfortunately I have no pictures of myself since I was the photographer! And she loaned Angelines a dress jacket to complete her ensemble. I think we owe her more than a few cervezas for the loan. ;)
There were three baptisms at the same time and the other babies cried through most of it, but Rodgrigo didn't make a peep. He sat wide-eyed on Angelines' lap throughout just observing everything. After the ceremony we all got together to celebrate family-style. There were plates of shrimp, jamón, cheese and salami, carne en salsa and then cake. It was a great day, especially since I was able to convince A not to open the bar in the evening. We got to just enjoy ourselves with the family.
Here are a few more pictures:
Thanks for the newsy post and pictures. I think you remind me of Cinderella sweet one!