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Thursday, October 20, 2011

Disconnect To Connect

It is ironic, verging on immoral, the way advertisements capitalize on the disconnected, hurried lives many of us lead in order to sell us the very products that, in many cases, are the cause of such problems. With a smooth slogan and poignant images they miraculously transform the problem into the solution. Of course, the simple fact that they're trying to sell something doesn't take away from the truth of the messages--of course that's what makes them good advertisements; but still, there's something wrong about using our yearning for connection, family, love, or quality time against us for economic benefit.

MoviStar, a leading cell phone company in Spain, uses the catchy line: "Compartida, la vida es más" (Life is more when it's shared). MoviStar couldn't be more right on. But incessant texting on a Blackberry or iPhone isolates us from the real people around us. Is that really sharing? As the following ad points out, what is the price we pay for "sharing." What are we missing out on when we spend so much of our time connected via technology, and what connections are we neglecting in the process? Does what we gain compensate for what we lose?

This video came to me via email--a forward from a friend and I had to share it. Apparently the Thai message at the end reads: "Use your phone...just enough." Another good line, something we should all reflect on... but should that message be coming from the cell phone company?