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Thursday, August 4, 2011

De obras

Now that we're home for good, A and I have finally begun one of many home-improvement projects. The covered area in the patio has very old walls. They're big, thick stone and mud walls that have about 4,000 layers of paint on them. With humidity from rain and just age in general, the paint has begun lifting and in several places the bare wall had been exposed. The real trouble with this, and why we decided to take care of this first is because the mud and stone wall just slowly starts eroding, filling everything with dust. We were having to sweep the patio daily and dust was filling the bathroom through the window that opens onto the patio, too. So Tuesday we started to scrape and pick away at the wall and yesterday we began covering the exposed parts with white mortar. We're not professional brick-layers, by any means, but the wall doesn't look bad and looks a whole lot better than it did!

Here are some pictures (before and after):


  1. will the mortar last longer than paint?

  2. Yes!'s like cement. Then we'll paint over it in any case. The thing is that the actual wall was crumbling so we had to patch it rather than paint over the crumbled bits and hope that it would last another year. :)

  3. Good job Op! Be careful working with old paint. They used to put lead in it (up until the late 70's) so wear a filter mask! I learned the hard way and had asthma for about 6 months after I scraped and sanded the house in preparation for painting. When you paint you should put a masonry sealer over the new plaster before you put the actual paint on it. This will seal the wall, so the moisture won't work the paint off so soon like it did before!

    Love you,


  4. See! I knew I needed you around for this! Maybe if you come next summer-ish (ie. good weather) you can help with some of our projects...they'd be right up your alley. :)
    xo, Opie
