Traduce Aqui:

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Too funny not to share:

While perusing the New Yorker website, I came across one of my favorite parts of the magazine "Shouts and Murmurs": the humor selection. This one was just too funny, especially since in my time online, I've gotten more than a few responses saying the recipient didn't have enough time to read and/or respond and would get back to me at a later date. I wonder why? I don't have a tendency toward long, rambling emails! ;)

In any case, be thankful that I save most of my rambling for this blog and thus am not clogging your inbox!


  1. I can't see it :-( can you link to it?

  2. I did. You have to click the link in brown... "Email Auto Response."

  3. Very cute story. I read the first three lines and scanned the rest! Too true!! Love reading your posts.

