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Thursday, July 8, 2010

Quotes to Ponder

"...nadie es del sitio donde ve la luz primera sino donde surge al amor y la gracia..."

" one is from the place where he first sees light, but rather where he finds love and grace..."

Granada de Leyenda, "Juan de Dios, si Dios quisiere", Manuel Laurino


"Persons we had been all our lives and persons becoming new to ourselves. How are past and present able to live in the same instant and together pass into the future?"

Dancing at the Rascal Fair, Ivan Doig


I came across both of these quotes in my vacation reading and they jumped off the page at me: What does it mean to be from somewhere? How do we reflect that somewhere in who we are and what parts of where we go stay with us to make us new and different to ourselves? We are in a constant state of change (is that an oxymoron): forging and striving for the future, but simultaneously reflecting our roots, our past, and our culture in a beautiful mix called individuality.

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