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Sunday, January 10, 2010

My first blog...

Talking on Skype this evening with Alicia, she suggested I write a blog. I hadn't ever really thought of doing such a thing until just a few weeks ago when I finally saw "Julie and Julia ". And when I thought about it, my mass emails used to be much more like blog entries than anything else. This is a much more convenient way for all of us to stay in touch. Although I'm sure all of you read my emails with rapt attention, hanging on my every word... in the unlikely situation that you deleted without reading or saved them with the intention of reading some other time, this blog is for you.

You can come read my crazy, stream of consciousness, profound, superficial, informative or dull ramblings whenever you feel you need a little dose of Viola, as opposed to being bombarded by emails. Doesn't that sound nice?

It's a bit strange to get on here and type away when I'm not entirely sure whose going to be reading this, but at the same time I think emailing (now blogging) has been missing from my life recently. Somehow I can't get up the energy to write many emails (those of you who have received them should know you're special), yet I feel a growing need to connect with my friends and family across the ocean.

So here it is: my first post on my first ever blog.

From Southern Spain with love.

p.s. A side note: it snowed here today!


  1. que bueno! I'm so excited. I have a blog too. I'll put you in my google reader and make sure to keep up. I miss you lots!

  2. Woooo Hooooo!!

    I want to start a blog too!

