Way back before Christmas in the craziness of the end of the year and also managing the classroom solo, as my co-teacher was hospitalized, I took my final exam for my Montessori 3-6 training. In the end it was a lot less stressful than I had feared, and really did end up being more of an opportunity to show what I'd learned as opposed to fretting about trick questions meant to fail me. It was a practical exam over skype with one of the course teachers. We had to present four different materials (selected at random from a pre-established list) and then also orally answer some theory questions. I was worried that I hadn't extented myself long enough in my answers to the theory questions, and I did make a few mistakes in my presentations; but I passed! And just a few weeks ago I finally got my diploma--It's official!
It's feels strange to have a diploma certifying that I am a trained 3-6 Montessori educator when in my day to day there are so many things that I struggle to do propperly. So much of being a Montessori educator is about personal growth, reflection, self-control and patience...all things that are still so difficult for me. I am still growing into this role, and I suppose it is probably something that will conntinue to develop and improve for many years to come. The diploma is only the very tip of the iceberg, but I am so happy to have begun this journey. I know there is so much good in it for me, for my daughter and for the world.