Today arranging to pick up abuelita and go clean up at the bar I hung up saying, "hasta ahora". Suddenly Emily asked, "Mommy, what's astora?" I told her in meant "see you in a minute" or "see you later" and after a slight pause she piped up with, "Astora, Crocodile!"
The other day at quiet time we were reading books and she asked me to read her Slowly, Slowly, Slowly, Said the Sloth by Eric Carle. This particular edition has a forward by Jane Goodall, who apparently also loved sloths. There is a picture of Ms. Goodall and Mr. Carle heading the forward. As I was about to turn the page to begin the story, Emily suddenly asked me, "Why Grandma Laura is in this book?" (She never inverts the subject and verb when making questions) I hesitated for a moment because I didn't know what she was talking about. Grandma Laura is my childhood best friend's mother...I didn't immediately see the relationship with the book, but sure enough upon a closer look at the picture of Jane Goodall--hair pulled back in a grey bun, smiling face and decidedly "hippy" looking clothes--I realized that Emily was confusing her for my second mom!
I was impressed by my daughter's memory: we haven't seen Laura (not even on Skype) for at least six months, and unfortunately we don't have very frequent contact, at least not via video conference. Very funny, indeed and I am sure that Grandma Laura will be pleased by the comparison.
Lately she is curious about weddings. This all hppened because, as you know, our anniversary is the 4th of July and I explained that to her. She was very interested and a few weeks later asked me some of the same questions again (what do you do in a wedding? why do you give each other rings?) as if to double check that I'd give the same answers. When she seemed satisfied with my answers she began to tell me about her wedding, when she "married herself" :)
On another ocasion she explained that in her wedding she married her friend Defnonna (an invisible friend who coincidentally lives in Visible--her imaginary land). I have no idea where the name Defnonna came from... Mommy, when Defnonna and me got married, we gived each other rings and ballet dresses and crowns and... (the list went on). Cool wedding, Emily!