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Saturday, July 21, 2018

A few more Emily-isms

I finally skyped with my mom for the first time in about 2.5 weeks Thursday evening and after we jointly got Emily to bed (Ga read her a bedtime story), I called her back for some quality mother-daughter conversation.  Emily may be small, but she really does have a magnetic personality and also a demanding presence.  When she is awake, Ga is all hers and I can't get a word in edgewise!  Of course, even without her in the room, our conversation gravitated toward the subject of Emily.  As I was retelling all the anecdotes, my mother asked if I had written them down... I decided that to write them down, I may as well share them with all of you. ;)

Today arranging to pick up abuelita and go clean up at the bar I hung up saying, "hasta ahora".  Suddenly Emily asked, "Mommy, what's astora?"  I told her in meant "see you in a minute" or "see you later" and after a slight pause she piped up with, "Astora, Crocodile!"
The other day at quiet time we were reading books and she asked me to read her Slowly, Slowly, Slowly, Said the Sloth by Eric Carle.  This particular edition has a forward by Jane Goodall, who apparently also loved sloths.  There is a picture of Ms. Goodall and Mr. Carle heading the forward.  As I was about to turn the page to begin the story, Emily suddenly asked me, "Why Grandma Laura is in this book?"  (She never inverts the subject and verb when making questions)  I hesitated for a moment because I didn't know what she was talking about.  Grandma Laura is my childhood best friend's mother...

I didn't immediately see the relationship with the book, but sure enough upon a closer look at the picture of Jane Goodall--hair pulled back in a grey bun, smiling face and decidedly "hippy" looking clothes--I realized that Emily was confusing her for my second mom!

I was impressed by my daughter's memory: we haven't seen Laura (not even on Skype) for at least six months, and unfortunately we don't have very frequent contact, at least not via video conference.  Very funny, indeed and I am sure that Grandma Laura will be pleased by the comparison.
Lately she is curious about weddings.  This all hppened because, as you know, our anniversary is the 4th of July and I explained that to her.  She was very interested and a few weeks later asked me some of the same questions again (what do you do in a wedding? why do you give each other rings?) as if to double check that I'd give the same answers.  When she seemed satisfied with my answers she began to tell me about her wedding, when she "married herself" :)  

On another ocasion she explained that in her wedding she married her friend Defnonna (an invisible friend who coincidentally lives in Visible--her imaginary land).  I have no idea where the name Defnonna came from...  Mommy, when Defnonna and me got married, we gived each other rings and ballet dresses and crowns and... (the list went on).  Cool wedding, Emily!  

Monday, July 16, 2018

The Times They Are A Changin'

June went by in a whirlwind, but I have been purposely avoiding the blogosphere.  Although I am fairly certain that my only readers are you dear friends and never can be sure. 

As I'm sure you remember, I am finishing my studies to become a certified Montessori Guide for 3-6 year-olds.  The degree actually ends in October, but looking to the future, I decided I should begin sending out my CV this spring just to see what happened.  October is too late to begin looking for a job for the 2018/19 school year.  I was also worried that if there was too much of a lapse between finishing my studies and getting into the classroom, I would become far less marketable, especially considering that my degree has been 100% online and much of what we're learning is very hands-on.

In April and May I began seriously searching.  I won't go into details here since it is a public forum, but let it be said that it's been a reaffirming experience.  I was even offered the chance to do two weeks student-teaching at the beginning of June after interviewing at a school and jumped at the opportunity.  For two weeks I was commuting to Córdoba every morning and working afternoons at the academy.  It was so illuminating and also humbling to be in the classroom and OBSERVE the guides/children in action.  It was a wonderful experience.

Now that a contract has been signed, I feel confident announcing that in September I will begin teaching at a school in Granada!  Emily will be able to attend school free.  I am so happy and proud that I can give her something different from what is otherwise offered.  And, of course, the location is just icing on the cake!  It's actually a small town on the outskirts of Granada capital--even better in my mind.

I have rediscovered my love of Simon and Garfunkel this past week, and with such big changes on the horizon what better title for this post??  The times cetainly are a changin'!  We have to find somewhere to live in Granada and figure out what to do with our house here in La Roda (right now we're hoping to rent it).  At least this first year, we'll be living between Granada and La Roda since we won't be selling or renting the bar.  Angelines only opens Thurs-Sun so we'll be back on the weekends, which I think will be nice for my in-laws and for Emily because she dearly loves her abuelita and her tita.

This month and until September I don't have anymore classes for my Montessori studies (summer vacation), but now I am very motivated to keep up with it all and revise what we've been studying.  All that is to say that in theory, I have more time...but you know how life is!  Something always comes up. :)